Make money online from Youtube and Facebook

Some content creators in Bangladesh are earning lakhs of BDT a month from YouTube and Facebook. Many young people in Bangladesh are now professionally creating content for YouTube and Facebook. These videos are being watched countless times.
Rasheduzzaman Rakib is a popular YouTuber in Bangladesh. The number of subscribers to his RNA channel on YouTube in three years is around seven lakh. He made funny videos on various topics of the film.
And Mashroor Inan, also known as Keto Bhai, has got around two and a half lakh subscribers in one year. Here's how to make money from YouTube and Facebook:
- Creating a channel: In case of YouTube, you have to create a channel first. Channels can be created by logging into YouTube using Gmail.
- You need to create your own page on Facebook, where your content will be displayed.
- You must be at least 18 years of age or older to do this.
Content sorting and creation:
YouTuber Rasheduzzaman Rakib says that when choosing content, one should consider that it is something exceptional, different. Because now countless people are creating content on YouTube and Facebook, there is a lot of competition.
People may not be interested unless there is something exceptional. '' You have to upload content regularly, you have to be consistent. The target should be to upload at least one video per week. " For this, such as educational pages, various information about technology, funny videos, videos about games, children's toys, food and drink, book or movie reviews, etc. can be created.
The videos have to be clear, the sound can be heard well, the editing work has to be good. Along with the title, the use of various words must be right. However, YouTube or Facebook, whatever medium the content is created for, cannot be copyrighted by anyone else.